Friday, February 12, 2010

Hi all,
like every second and fourth thursday in the month, we had our painting session in our local GW store. This month we decieded to paint the new Beastmen charakter Malagor. It´s in everyones own decision if you will paint the original, if you will convert it or in my case, I will sculpt a new one. Proudly I can present you the first project of this new year, of this new site and my return to the unwashed beasts. I hope you like it. Sorry that the pics which weren´t that good. I had only the chance to make some quick shots with my mobilephone, but I think you get a first impression and I hope it will be enough for you to come back regulary to see the progress. Then with better pics :)


  1. Good to see that your back in the zone. The Malagor looks promising, so far. :D Hope to see some more Pics soon, need some motivation as I told you the other day.
    Btw, we have to meet again and do some painting and killing bottles of fine beer.

  2. Hi Luke,
    I will take some time today for some sculpturing and perhaps I can show some progress later. A Meeting with some painting and beer sounds promising, lets do it ;)
    Cheers GeOrc

  3. Hey GeOrc
    War ein super witziger Abend. Zum Glück konnte ich mich um das Foto machen drücken.
    Bis zum nächsten mal.
    Gruß Marcel
