Monday, February 15, 2010

Hi, this evening I had a spontanous hobby meeting togehter with Marcel. I did further sculpturing on the Malagor conversion. There was a lot of rough armature sculpturing on the horns and on the loincloth. Also I sculptured the belly plate and and repositioned the right leg. Again sorry for the bad pics. My sister has still my Digi Cam, but I hope I will get it back this week.
Kind Regards


  1. Looking good so far. The hooves are looking a little bit out of place at the moment, are you going to be doing anything different with them?

  2. Woow, until now it looks very good and after all that you told us last Thrusday about your plans fpr the miniature I'm very excited about what comes next and howit is going to look like, when its finished...

    Kind regards

  3. I already have finished the loincloth and belly plate and have set the armature for the cloth around his neck. I can´t wait to sculpt the beastmen skull on his armour plate and the ddetails of the cloth. In the moment it looks very promising. Pics will follow as soon as I have my Digi-Cam back, because now is need for much better pictures.

    Kind Regards GeOrc

  4. Got ya linked to Massive Voodoo my buddy... rock on! Really looking forward! Keep on happy painting! Regards Roman
